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  • Writer's picturePaul Alexander

Why Recycle Batteries

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

As battery technology changes they are increasingly being used in electronic equipment, computers and motor vehicles. By 2028 Australia’s waste from Lithium-Ion batteries alone is predicted to increase from 3,500 tonnes to 25,000 tonnes per year. Batteries in domestic appliances, electronic equipment, computers, rolling stock and electric vehicles should always be recycled, since they contain toxic heavy metals. Currently less than 10% of household batteries, such as AAA, AA and D, are recycled.

The Technobility team has extensive experience related to battery selection, charging and testing, as well as battery disposal and recycling. We offer a battery collection service allowing our customers to recycle their used batteries to Australian recycling processors. Our service is conducted in line with current legislation and the Australian Battery Recycling Initiative (ABRI) guidelines.

Battery recycling has a positive environmental impact, eliminating disposal of used batteries to landfill. The recycling process recovers lead, the majority of which is reused in the production of new batteries, as well as polypropylene (plastic) from the battery casings and sodium sulphate, which is used to make detergents and fertiliser. 

We have established processes to manage individual battery collection, through to major tonnage. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements. 

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